Submitted on 16/01/2020
RYME + - Transnational Network to Support SME Internationalisation: Innovative Matching and Mentoring Tools
[Project approved in the 1st call of SUDOE programme: Preparation and submission of application and technical support to the project]
RYME + aims to develop and promote the business structure of the SUDOE area by increasing competitiveness, resilience, wealth and innovation creation and technological development of their SMEs, guiding them to international markets, to share good practices, benchmarking missions and to establish trade relationships.
More information: http://www.ryme-international.com
KET4F-Gas - Reduction of the Environmental Impact of Fluorinated Gases in the SUDOE space using Key Enabling Technologies
[Project approved in the 2nd call of SUDOE programme: Preparation and submission of application and technical support to the project]
KET4F-Gas aims to contribute to the reduction of fluorinated gases emissions through the development and implementation of Key Enabling Technologies (KET), which follow efficient green chemistry principles and use alternative climate-friendly solvents to recover these fluorinated gases (usually employed in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems).
This project boosts the growth of applied research and eco-innovation to mitigate environmental impacts, as well as technology transfer to increase the competitiveness of SME’s of Southwest Europe.
More information: http://www.ket4f-gas.eu